About us

    Organisation Name (if applicable)*

    Project Title*



    Telephone (Including WhatsApp)*




    X (Twitter):



    Describe briefly what is your motivation for this project, and provide us a background for the project(In 200 words)

    Tell us a little bit about you*

    background, previous engagement, experiences etc…(In 300 words)

    What’s your project about?*

    Describe your project in detail, including specific problems that you aim to solve(In 300 words)

    What’s the scope of your project?*

    Describe the scope of the project, target group, identified gaps, scalability and how would this project contribute to this…(In 300 words)

    What impact will this project have?*

    a. Measurable outcome (i.e., money) b. Impact outcome (i.e., created social impact)(In 200 words)

    Do you plan to work with others?*

    Do you plan to collaborate with like minded people/organisations? If you already have partners or team, let us know.(In 200 words)

    What are the foreseeable hindrances?*

    What are the risk factors that you see affecting your project’s success? Do you have any idea how to address these risk factors?


    What are your expected income and expenses? Feel free to add a table or paragraph with the numbers.(In 200 words)

    What’s your expected timeline to get started with the project and related activities?*

    What are your expected income and expenses? Feel free to add a table or paragraph with the numbers.(In 200 words)

    Upload your resume in pdf/jpg/jpeg format *